Friday, September 28, 2012

The United States of America: Semiotics and Slavery into the Maniacal Machine

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

Patrick Henry 1736-1799

Semiotics: The study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.

Mysteries have always intrigued me.  About a decade ago I fell in love with semiotics.  Many things fascinated me about the subject; how specific symbols began, how they changed meanings over the centuries, who used them & why and how separate cultures can view the exact same symbol in an entirely different manner.

Symbols are so effective and they communicate to us on a non-stop basis as we go about our daily lives.  Just one look at a symbol and our minds subconsciously take in oodles of information with one glance.  

Think about what your mind does when you see a stop sign.  That's a symbol.  You automatically stop and look both ways (hopefully).  You may think "I need to come to a complete stop.  I don't want to get a ticket."  This one symbol, with its bright red color, is communicating countless words and ideas to you in a fraction of a second.  What goes through your mind when you see those Golden Arches?  In seconds, and without any words, information is being communicated to you in an efficient and deliberate manner.  

Symbolism is all around us, so much so that we barely notice.  Symbols are very important though and the mystery of a symbol is finding out what it means to the person using it.  This is vital and something important to understand is when a group, institution or individual uses a symbol, it is usually done with great consideration.

Years passed as I studied signs, symbols and what they meant to the cultures using them and I began to notice something.  The symbolism and architecture we use to identify the United States is not Christian. 

This made my brain short out momentarily.  

I heard repeatedly growing up that we are a Christian nation and that makes America special.  Right wing politicians and media personalities constantly talk about how great America is because we are a Christian nation built on Judeo-Christian beliefs.

I do believe America is great, but I beg to differ on the why.  Well, we will get into that later.

To start, let’s look at three symbols widely used in the United States.


The pyramid and upward facing triangle is used as a phallic symbol by many cultures.  It represents the masculine, fire and rising up.  It can be called the blade.  Pyramids have a strong astrological significance as well and have been monuments to kings, queens, gods and goddesses.  They have been used over the centuries as temples in different cultures around the world.  Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Greece and Mexico are just a few cultures that used pyramids to honor their gods.  

Mesopotamia has some of the oldest pyramids and many archeologists believe they held shrines at the top. 

The actual structure of a pyramid and the symbol itself has always been a highly religious symbol around the world for thousands of years.  They can be built with or without a capstone and that meaning can be significant depending on who is using the capstone symbol.

Note:  A reversed pyramid or triangle represents the female.  It can be called the chalice and can represent the womb, genitalia of the goddess, etc.  Using the upward triangle and the reversed together can represent different types of unity; The unity of men and women, the god and goddess & the divine and humanity.

There are dozens of pyramid structures in the United States and this is a commonly used symbol to identify us.  On a State and Federal level, what are a few examples?

  • TAMIU Planetarium
  • The Walter Pyramid
  • The Princeton, West Virginia Tourism Office
  • The New Freedom Tower (using both, the upward facing and the reversed)
  • Buchanan's Birthplace State Park
  • DARPA Information Awareness Office Original Seal
  • US Currency


An obelisk is a four sided monument that is wider at the bottom and narrows as it reaches the top.  Ancient obelisks were carved out of a single stone, sometimes weighing as much as a 747 jet.  They were capped with a metallic covered pyramid and these massive formations were erected by sheer man power alone.  In Egypt they adorned the entrance to temples.  Their carvings honored the gods and conquests of the pharos. 
This form of Ancient Egyptian architecture began more than two thousand years before the birth of Christ.  From the massive monolithic formations, to the hieroglyphic carvings, relocation from the original carving site, erection and usage, much about obelisks still remain a mystery today. 

The obelisks in Ancient Egypt tie into many parts of their religious culture, ancient magic, astronomy and astrology.  They represented a single ray of sunlight relating to the sun deities Ra, Re, Aten or Aton.  They also represented male virility and fertility.

Obelisks have captured the fascination of many outside nations over the centuries; from Greece and Rome to Europe and the United States.  Along with building new ones over the years, many Egyptian obelisks have been re-erected in Rome, and Egypt has gifted Europe and the United States with obelisks as well.   

Counting state and federal tombs, there are hundreds of obelisks in the USA.  Here are a few examples.

  • Martyrs Monument in Midway
  • Jubal Early Monument (This is a Joss Whedon shoutout if I did a flyby. {And that flyby comment was a Jurassic Park shoutout.  My apologies, I'll stop now.})
  • The Washington Monument
  • The Lincoln Tomb
  • The Illinois/Indiana Boundary Marker
  • The USS Bennington Monument
  • Cyclist in Santa Rosa California

Now, Cyclist wins out in my book for the most rad obelisk ever created (I think even Ra would be jealous).


Well, these guys are all over the place.  I think if you add up all the paintings, sculptures and reliefs on state and federal buildings/monuments, this one numbers in the thousands.  Neoclassical architecture and art adorn our government buildings.  Greco/Roman gods (and gods from other cultures) are used to symbolize all that is important to us as a nation; freedom, liberty, industry, science, agriculture, war, peace, music, beauty and the list goes on and on.

Apotheosis is a concept also shared by ancient Greece and Rome (as well as other faiths).  But what is apotheosis?

Apotheosis:  Deification, the exaltation of a person to Divine Status, to become a god.

I am familiar with George Washington being the artistic subject of apotheosis on two occasions.  Both are done in a very Romanesque way. 

  • Commissioned by the US Congress in 1832, The 1841 George Washington Statue now resides in the Smithsonian. The Hermetic concept of "As above, so below." is depicted in this sculpture (As above, so below is represented in many other government monuments as well).

  • The Apotheosis of Washington is a painting in the eye of the Rotunda of the US Capitol building and was painted by Constantino Brumidi in 1865.  In this beautiful fresco Washington is surrounded by gods and goddesses as well other founding fathers.  In this painting our first president is much more modest than in the 1841 statue where he is bare chested and clothed only by a toga (so, no blushing required when checking him out in the Capitol).

I will attempt to keep this list short, but no promises.  Here are some examples of where you can find gods representing our American ideals.

  • The Statue of Liberty:  Libertas
  • Currency:  Nike & Libertas
  • Library of Congress:  Zeus, Venus, Apollo, Hercules, Minerva, Aglaia, Thalia, Euphrosyne, Prometheus, Poseidon, Hephaistos and...
  • Supreme Court Building:  Minerva, Zeus, Mercury, Juno, and...
  • Courthouses:  Justitia
  • Military Medals:  Minerva & Libertas
  • The Owl god/goddess of the Bohemian Club and the Cremation of Care ceremony at The Grove as reported on by ABC News, The San Francisco Chronicle and The Washington Post

So we have founding fathers, right-wing politicians and media personalities stating that we are a Christian nation, but the symbols and ceremonies we choose to represent us are screaming that we are anything but (or more accurately, everything but) a Christian nation.  Christianity is Christ.  We are One Nation Under God, but which god are we under?   

Many of the founding fathers of this great country were Christians, many were not.  Some professed to be Christians, while their actions said something quite different. Let's be straight forward.  Both Judaism and Christianity are very specific about staying away from all other gods, whether it be in worship or symbolism.

These symbols and gods have been erected in our country from its birth and continue to be through this present day. Far be it from me to judge another man's motives, but their use does raise questions and has caused debate in some circles about whether our country has Christian origins.

Here's something.  As a Christian, and solely on a political level, I really could care less.  I heard a pastor once say Christians should worry more about serving the homeless and loving their neighbors rather than worrying if the 10 Commandments are posted in every government building.  I whole-heartedly agree.  When Jesus gave The Great Commission He didn't say "Now go into Rome, fight to gain control of the political system and rule the world!"  Instead we are to serve others and share the love & freedom of Christ with all who cross our path.

But here is the main reason I think this subject matter is important.  It has to do with the mentality of encampment. 

Everything in our politics and mainstream media is geared to keep us fighting against each other in this predominately two party system.

  • Right Wing Christians vs Left Wing Progressives
  • Liberal vs Conservative
  • Union vs Non-Union
  • Straight vs Homosexuals
  • Black vs White
  • Metropolitan vs Rual 

As the public is pitted against each other, it breeds hatred and conflict.  It's an ugly machine tearing through our country leaving countless casualties behind.  Two people warned about the dangers of moving into a two party system and they did it much better than I.

  • There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.  John Adams October 2nd 1780

  • It (the two-party system) serves always to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration. It agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another.  George Washington's Farewell Address 1796

As Americans we are so caught up in party rivalries, we miss the big stuff.  There are many issues our country is facing as a whole that this political/media machine will not address.  Both right and left politicians, and the corrupt corporations they are entangled with, are all equally as guilty.  And as you watch this machine constantly incite the public to anger against each other and woo unyielding devotion from its party members, you can't help but ask if this is a deliberate distraction from those important issues. 

Following are a few issues facing our country that, in general, politicians and the mainstream media (Right and Left) will not address.  The harmful consequences to our nation is staggering and because these issues seem to be buried, the majority of people are unaware.

  • GMO's, Food Patenting and how it impacts public health, local farmers, personal freedom and our legal system.

  • The Council of Governors and how it affects State Sovereignty.  Most are not aware that the Council of Governors began under President Bush and was ratified by President Obama in 2010.  The United States of America has been split into 10 Regions and the 10 Governors are chosen by the president.  There was no public vote to divide the United States into these regions and the public does not vote the governors into office.  There was no citizen representation anywhere along the line in this process.  Establishing The Council of Governors at Whitehouse.govExectutive Order 13528, and List of Current Governors.

  • From parking meters to highways, from state and federal buildings to U.S. ports, our infrastructure continues to be sold to foreign investors.  Saudi Arabia, China, Libya and The United Arab Emirates are just a few of the countries that we are leasing our tax-payer paid off infrastructure back from.

  • War without Congressional Approval.

  • Disregard of Civil Liberties and the killing of American Citizens in the name of combating terrorism. 

Again, please be aware both the Left and the Right are equally guilty in breaking the Federal Laws listed above and placing other interests above America.  When it is clearly understood how Wall Street, Private Banks (including the Federal Reserve), Media and Politicians are entwined together it is glaringly obvious how meaningless party lines are.  Okay wait, I'm having a thought here.  Someone wrote a song about this and explained it much better than I.

"Well, it's not just the media, because they are in bed with big business.  It's not just the government, because they are led by corporate interests.  It's just a form of three-way incest.  They are criminalizing protest.  They are smirking, they are smirking.  They are criminalizing protest.

And it is working..."

Rubber Bullets by Ember Swift

We all have individual and moral issues that are important to us politically.  That's where the right to protest, freedom of speech and voting comes in.  There's nothing wrong with a healthy argument, but while exercising our rights and personal views we do not have to allow ourselves to be goaded into blind hate or fear of those that disagree with our personal stance.  If we continue to let ourselves be manipulated and provoked against each other, if we continue to let ourselves be led around by a ring in our nose like cattle by the media, politicians and corrupt businesses, we will NEVER join together as a people.  And this machine will grow like a snowball as it rolls over the countless bodies of our society. 
So back to the original question.  Are we a Christian nation?  

In my opinion?  Quite simply, no.

Nor should we be.  Mixing religious power and politics?  Yeah, that never seems to work out.  The Crusades?  No one wants that again.  The question of why our country has consistently used the symbols of ancient gods to identify us is an interesting one, but an individual's personal view on whether we are a Christian nation or not should never divide us from each other.  Neither should any other personal causes.  America is great because The Constitution and Bill of Rights guarantee the religious freedoms (and non-religious, for all you beautiful atheists out there that I know) of every citizen.    

With the steady slide of mainstream media, government and commerce into degradation it's time for us to seek out alternative news sources, and there are some good ones out there.  

  • Look for news sources that stay away from hateful, emotional arguments (that doesn't imply journalists shouldn't be passionate). 

  • Find news sources that give you links and references to actual bills, executive orders and official documents. 

  • Follow news sources that encourage you to read those documents for yourself, rather than relying on their opinions.

Whether you are Liberal, Conservative or Centrist this is probably one of the most important steps you can take as a U.S. citizen. 

Throw off ignorance and fear, love blindly and stand united. 

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  1. Another great "CONTROVERSY!", Heather! Informative, thought provoking, well written, and as always, open minded!
    Rock on, Heather!

  2. I think lots of things about this. First of all, I would like proper evidence that the U.S. has Christian origins. When I look through the list of founding fathers that claim to be Christian I find one, John Jay. The rest were deists of various sorts and most weren't practicing any religion religiously. Deism was probably the most reasonable position prior to Darwin's work. T. Jefferson, for example rewrote the entire Bible and took all of Jesus' miracles out which says a lot about what he believed. I think that we have freedom of religion in this country specifically because they recognized that there is no correlation between religion and morals. Some Christians do good things, others don't. Its the same for every religion and non religion in the world. Even today, prisons are overflowing with really religious people but that doesn't mean that religion made them commit crimes. Mother Teresa rounded up a bunch of really sick people and gave them aspirin as they died from treatable diseases. Is this really moral? In this country I think it might even be criminal. So, its very confusing for me to understand how people are using their faith as a moral compass. The bible didn't prevent the Inquisition. It didn't prevent or end slavery or provide equal rights to women or children. These are modern advancements. Modern moralities. They had nothing to do with Jesus.
    As far as the symbols go, its no surprise that without exception every Christian holiday and most of its symbolism has been co-opted from other religions that were already in practice in the regions of the world that Christianity took over. In fact, every aspect of the Jesus story is a rip off of other religions that existed earlier. Check out Lord Ragwell's book that compares all of these global myths with the Odyssey.
    Lastly, I'm more than glad that we aren't a Christian country because I don't think that Jesus was a particularly good example for much. He missed the value of literacy. That's a huge mistake. He did nothing to further the scientific method. The did nothing to end the mistreatment of enslaved people, women or children. Between these modern and more ethical treatments of people and the scientific method we have just about everything that was good about the 20th century...none of which can reasonably be attributed to the efforts of Jesus. So I'm glad that we are not a theocracy and that the shackles of religion are slowly being cast off. I have no doubt that the more science we embrace the more lives will be saved and people will increasingly show a preference for saving lives instead of 'souls.' C. Owner
